Let’s weigh up the pros and cons of electric versus gas!

It’s become somewhat of a debate between households, some prefer gas and others are advocates for electricity. But what’s really the ultimate option that will allow you to get the best use out of your appliances, as well as saving your wallet and the earth?

Bear Plumbing has conducted some research and looked at it from all angles. The main points we’re addressing include reliability, cost, and the environment.

To find out more about our take on gas versus electric, continue reading below.


Natural gas infrastructure provides gas on demand, without supply and reliability issues that sometimes come with electricity.

When it comes to reliability, it should be noted that Australia’s natural gas network experiences only one unplanned outage, on average every 40 years. This is great news if your home is connected to natural gas when a blackout hits, because you’ll still have access to energy to warm your home and wash your dishes.

Another advantage of gas hot water plumbing is the almost immediate heating of the water and the constant temperature.

Although, it must be noted that electricity does already have connections designed specifically for its corresponding appliances.


Electricity tends to be the most common fuel type, allowing for more competition within the industry for cheaper rates.

Electric appliances can also sometimes be less expensive to purchase in the beginning. Although, it should be noted that electricity has higher running costs.

Gas appliances are more expensive to purchase, have a less common connection type, with additional connection fees required but can be up to 40% cheaper than electricity to use.

Unlike electricity, where increased consumption drives your tariffs higher and higher, the more gas appliances that you install, the more likely it is that you can save. Why? Well, in most cases the cost per unit of gas decreases as consumption increases.


Gas produces significantly less greenhouse emissions than electricity.

We must acknowledge that gas is obviously a fossil fuel, but it is much more environmentally friendly than electricity. Its chemical structure is much different to coal, meaning its emissions are much lower.

According to the Australian Gas Networks website, ‘gas currently delivers 44% of Australia’s household energy, but only produces 13% of household greenhouse gas emissions’.

They also reported that in Victoria ‘a gas powered hot water system emits 76% less CO2 than an electric equivalent’.

The Result

Bear Plumbing recommends gas if you don’t have access to solar power as of yet. From our research, changing from gas to electric in order to install solar power is not a viable option for every household in regard to cost and efficiency.

In our opinion, if you’re concerned about the environment, want to get the most for your money and solar power is out of the question, gas is the most effective option for you.

Installing gas appliances to suit your needs!

Bear Plumbing are gas fitting Sydney-based specialists, armed with all of the tools and knowledge they require to offer you a first-class service.

Regardless of whether it’s a BBQ, cook top, a hot water heater or an indoor or outdoor heater – the team at Bear can install an array of gas appliances specifically tailored to your lifestyle.

If you’re searching for a high quality gas installation service provided by a trusted and respected plumbing company, please get in touch with us to discuss your gas works, fittings and pipework.

We are contactable via phone at (02) 9417 5768 or email at bookings@bearplumbing.com.au.